Top 5 reasons to work with an MSP in 2018

2019-11-20 12:05

Another year has just gone by. It's always a great idea to review the year that has passed and look for ways to improve in this year. Were you unable to meet your business goals for the year? Did you or your team spend more time and energy dealing with IT than they should have? Did you face any network outages and system downtime? If your answer to these questions is Yes, then it may be worthwhile considering whether working with a managed services provider (MSP) could help you approach 2018 more confidently and effectively. Here are 5 reasons why you should work with an MSP in 2018.



1. Get more secure

Improved security has been shown to be the top reason why organizations work with an MSP. SMBs are just as likely to be victims of data breaches as their larger counterparts. An MSP can offer access to enterprise grade security and protection even on a small business budget. You can be confident that your business’ and customers' data are safe from loss or unauthorized exposure.

2. Plan capacity well

If your business experiences peak traffic during certain seasonal periods or end-of-quarter activity frenzies, why purchase large amounts of spare IT capacity that may only be used once or twice a year? An MSP can help you with capacity planning by flexing your infrastructure capacity up or down on demand.

3. Grow strategically

Many small businesses stay small because they lack of great IT infrastructure. You need to ramp up your IT resources if you want to grow. Is there a way to do that without overextending yourself?

Yes, it's simple: managed services allow you to scale up your IT capacity as an when you need to. An MSP can connect you with the resources you need without the high up-front costs.

4. Keep your eyes on the bigger picture

Managing your own IT infrastructure and trying to run your business at the same time can be just as dangerous as texting while driving. By allowing a trusted MSP handle your IT responsibilities, you can have your eyes fixed on the road ahead.

Instead of getting caught up in the details of your IT systems, you can keep yourself free to worry about the high-value strategy and planning tasks that will keep your business growing the way you want it to.

5. Access great talent without hiring full-time employees

If you can’t justify hiring full-time employees for your IT team, it doesn’t mean you have to forgo talented and experienced IT help. An MSP's staffing services can connect you with expert IT professionals on an as-needed basis. Best of all, you pay only for the work they provide; there’s no need to pay for benefits like you would when hiring FTEs.

If you haven't considered it yet, look into hiring an MSP this year so that you can give your business the ultimate technology push it needs.

Topics: BusinessITMSP

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